Powershell uses profiles to configure the user experience. There are two main profiles that are typically configured, the machine profile and the user's personal profile.
MSDN has a nice description of the
different profiles found in Powershell. You can pre-define variables, drive mappings, custom functions, etc. Shared routines can be loaded into the machine profile to provide access to ANY Powershell user on the system.
The machine profile is found at
and is used to configure the Powershell session for ALL users on the system. I generally use the machine profile to define custom functions that should be available to anyone who logs onto the box and will use Powershell. Examples could include writing a custom function and add it to the machine profile on a domain controller that would open a csv file or make a database connection, read its data, and create a new AD user, configure a home directory on a file share for that user, and add them to the appropriate security groups.
Another example would be writing a function that lives in the machine profile of an Exchange server, available to ALL admins who log onto the machine. I have a custom script that I've turned into a Powershell function for planned failover of our clustered mailbox servers. The script (function) takes input from the admin, verifies that the target node is not already the active node, displays the status of the cluster copy queue, then warns the admin that this procedure will failover the production mailbox cluster. No browsing folders searching for the location of the failover script... when it's defined as a function, it's available from any location.
The user personal profile is found at
%UserProfile%\My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
and is used to configure the user's personal settings. Screen color preferences, personal drive mappings (psdrives) , and functions that should not be made public on that system. Security Credential Objects that will be used within the Powershell session can also be defined here.
You can edit this profile with any standard text editor such as Notepad, but there are many IDE applications available to make script editing easier. Powershell 2.0 includes a builtin IDE.
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